Exchanging the Good Lie for the Good Life in Christ

The first ever nightly devotional. Before closing your eyes and falling asleep Randy Young encourages you to spend those final moments quietly before the Lord. This book will share his own quiet moments that delivered him out of a life of shame and emptiness into liberty, the Good Life! Not to mention spending time with the Lord before bed will lead to a more peaceful, restorative sleep. This book answers many questions like; what does it mean to be saved? How do you make Jesus not just the savior but also the Lord of every area of your life? Is it all about how you pray, how often you go to church, or what you've done in ministry this week? Jesus actually makes it clear in the Gospel of John: "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."

Like many other Christians, author Randy Young accepted Christ at a young age, but he then spent decades pursuing the "good lie" that the world sells as a "good life"-wealth, popularity, influence. Being successful is fine, but when you make that lie the goal of life, it can lead to dissolution and emptiness. But God reached out and pushed Young to make Jesus his priority, and now he's living the true good life! What's his secret? The answer can be found in Psalm 46: "Be still, and know that I am God."

This devotional guide chock-full of nearly four hundred individual meditations is designed for use just before bed, when you're quiet, still, and ready to give God your fullest attention. Get ready to be blessed with the best life possible!