A Love Divided

Mary Queen of Scots is on the throne, and the frontier between England and Scotland is a powder-keg.

A feisty English heiress...

More interested in raiding into Scotland with the rest of her clan than womanly pursuits like embroidery or finding a husband, Alexandra Graham is a strong-minded English heiress who rides and fights as well as any man. But when a daring rescue goes wrong, she ends up in the dungeons of Scotland's most forbidding castle, prisoner of the notorious Earl of Bothwell and at the mercy of the queen's justice.

A brawny Scottish laird...

As deputy warden responsible for keeping the law on the queen's borderland, Michael Cranstoun is a Scottish laird with a reputation for fair-mindedness and the looks of a viking warrior. But when he meets the beguiling Alexandra, both his life and his honour are at risk - not to mention his affections.

A love divided...

With more than just the border separating them, Alex and Michael are on opposite sides of an ancient divide, and destined for different paths. But a shared love for horses draws them together and kindles a passion that respects no boundaries, endangering more than just their hearts...

:: Set in Mary Queen of Scots' lawless Borderlands, A Love Divided is a stand-alone Scottish historical romance with a HEA. If you like strong heroines, brawny lairds and sweet romance, you'll love the first book in the Mary's Ladies series. Pick up your copy today!