Image Synthesis
註釋The images produced by means ofcomputers have invaded our daily lives. One has but to see the "identification logos" of most television broadcasts or some advenisement "spots" to be convinced of this. This proves that the synthesis ofimages has reached maturity. The progress that has been made in the last few years allows one to predict the use ofrealistic illustrations in more and more domains ofapplication. It is thus understandable that more and more people seek to understand how these images are produced. Such a person may be an amateur who likes to understand in a general way the processing involved, or he may be a computer scientist who wants to develop some new application using graphics procedures. This book by Michel Bret meets these desires by giving a complete overview of the techniques of image synthesis by computer. The different stages of the creation of a numerical image are explained in detail, and they are accompanied by descriptions of the most modem methods. Thus the geometrical models that are described go from those with plane polygonal facets, via surfaces of all types, to systems of panicles. Visualization is treated in complete detail, and due attention is given to all the various roads that lead to a realistic image: simple projections on the basis of wire-frame models, the elimination of hidden pans, and fmally the modelling oflight and its effects.