La Máquina Oscura
註釋The ground rumbles. The humming beneath begins, a droning monotonous tune that will one day drive us mad. The machines rise and steal oxygen from the air, rotating at dangerous speeds and emitting lethal radiation. Upon the return home to the small village of Montejo de la Sierra in Spain, Marco can feel the desperation from which the world is suffering at the will of these obscure machines. Our way of life, as we once knew it, has forever been mutated. Travel is obsolete. Communication is few and far between. Humanity is terrified and, worse, there is no explanation and may be no salvation. Will the earth ever recover from the ruin that is being caused? Can we recuperate from the havoc that's been wreaked upon this beautiful planet? As Marco and others search desperately for the answers to these questions, one thing will become clear...we are all influenced by our actions. Can he find a way to make everyone happy, whilst battling for their survival, or will civilization collapse before his very eyes? Does the Earth have a self-destruct button?