註釋The author's personal experience during one Military Operation Other Than War (MOOTW) will be examined, in this book. One unit's pre deployment planning and training will be examined then compared to the actual operations conducted. Incumbent on the conclusions drawn from the results of the comparisons, recommendations will be made in the thesis on how to improve the training and preparations of one unit. Doctrine is examined to establish a base of understanding in the fundamental approach to conducting MOOTW. Current studies relating to MOOTW will be reviewed to determine trends in opinions and recommendations. The results of historical. Examples and current doctrine combined with current professional opinion leads to further recommendations in how to train units for MOOTW. Training for MOOTW is now a challenge to all leaders in the Army. With the deployment of heavy and cavalry units to Bosnia, all units are now experiencing the realities of training and executing MOOTW. Leaders are faced with the challenge of training their unit's mission essential tasks under conditions and to standards different from the Army's doctrinal warfighting manuals. This study intends to look at the MOOTW training challenges facing the Army today.