
Securitizations: Legal and Regulatory Issues is a much-needed guide to one of the most strategically important areas of structured finance. Written by over two dozen experts with hands-on experience, this timely and insightful work explains the benefits--and risks--of securitization, and the legal, tax, accounting, and other issues involved. It includes: detailed discussion of the assets that can be securitized; rating agency considerations; the legal structure of securitization transactions; tax consequences for issuers and investors; the effect of an issuer' bankruptcy; contractual restrictions; regulatory concerns; cross-border and future-flow transactions; financial guaranty insurance; insurance securitizations; and securitization issues unique to specific foreign countries. For newcomers to the field, Securitizations: Legal and Regulatory Issues quickly brings you up to speed. For the experienced practitioner, it serves as an essential companion and reference as new techniques arise and new markets emerge.

Book ʎ looseleaf, one volume, 1,234 pages; published in 2000, updated as needed; no additional charge for updates during your subscription. Looseleaf print subscribers receive supplements. The online edition is updated automatically. ISBN: 978-1-58852-091-3