Personal Power
註釋Personal Power is a motivational and self help book intend to assist people in discovering their power within and making the world a better place through self-improvement.The book is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on how to develop power, and it is in this chapter that the author lays out his theories for how to improve the self. The second and third parts of the book deal with utilizing your newly developed power and the pleasures that come along with it. "The mistake so many people make is to confuse greatness with riches," states the author. "The great man can have all he wants, but he need not necessarily become rich." It is thus clear from the outset that this book is intended for those driven by an intrinsic desire to improve their life.This is a book written by a practical man of affairs who achieved a high place in his chosen calling and who writes in a style that is peculiarly gripping. He clearly points out the way to develop willpower, mental concentration, and winning personality. He calls up in men all those aspirations which lead to the highest and best things of life. He gives practical directions for acquiring the faculty of reading men and understanding human nature, including those basic impulses that move men to definite action.