Ultimate Answers and the Civilization
The Fundamental Theory: Morality, Economy, History, Politics, Gender, and the Future
出版American Academic Press, 2023-12-12
主題Philosophy / General

This book is about theories of ultimate answers and civilization-related topics.

The ultimate answers are about those "big questions" in human history, such as the answer to the universe, where we came from, who we are, and why. Therefore, this book is based on its fundamental theory to communicate with those philosophical questions in human history. In this way, it could reveal the ultimate answers clearly.

It discusses all philosophical ultimate problems: ontology, monism, pluralism, idealism, materialism, skepticism, relativism, nihilism, God, free will, dialectic (contradiction), mysticism, absoluteness, objectivity, cosmology, subjectivity, finitude, language, truth, and so forth.

It is broad in its discussion, but it answers all questions fundamentally.

The latter two articles are more historical and ethical. They discuss these topics based on the fundamental theory:

Ethical issues: gender, morality, religion, wealth, justice, choice and its cost, diversity and management, the government and the rich and, the government and the public.

Economy and politics: the rich and the poor, private ownership and public ownership, social competition, freedom, equality, class, power, order and chaos, independence, consensus, fairness, totalitarianism, anarchism, the sin of ignorance, selfish and selfless, currency, feminism and ideology.

Historical issues: effort and accumulation, capital and business, distribution, Utopia, survival, future, primitive nature and ancient warfare and, gender power.

They show "what we have to do" after "we have the ultimate answers."

This book shows that we have come to a key point in history.