A History of a Quaker Branch of the Musgrave Family
Of the North of Ireland, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Illinois, and Elsewhere, with Selected Papers Relating to the Ancient and Landed Musgraves of England
出版S.M. Shartle, 1995
註釋John Musgrave, founder of our branch in Pennsylvania, came alone from Belfast in 1682, a thirteen-year-old lad working his passage as an indentured servant to a Quaker family named Hollingsworth. John is the first Quaker Musgrave of whom we have record. His descendants could qualify for the Society of Colonial Wars and the Colonial Dames. Several of his children moved to North Carolina and we've always supposed our own Carolina Musgraves were of that stock. We can trace back to James Musgrave, in North Carolina, and John had a son, James. Descendants lived in North Carolina, Indiana, and Illinois. Perhaps John Musgrave, aged 37 years was the first of the Musgraves to reach America. On August 21, 1635, he planned to board the ship, George (John Serverne, Master), bound for the Virginia shore. By the time the Quaker branch landed, Musgraves pretty well dotted the woods.