Operating Systems
註釋Introduction and overview. Hardware. Software and data. Linking the system components. Single program systems. Multiprogramming and time-sharing. Command languages and job control languages. Job control under IBM's disk operating system. Job control language for the IBM operating system/360 and system/370 - JOB and EXEC statements. The DD statement. Libraries and the linkage editor. Basic operating system concepts. Multiuser systems. Segmentation, paging, and virtual memory. Operating principles of the IBM system/370. IBM system/370 disk operating system/virtual storage. IBM system/370 OS/VS1. Trends and alternatives in operating system design. Data communication monitors. Data base management. A brief survey of commercial software. Number systems, data types, and codes. A summary of DOS job control statements. Summary of job control language for the IBM system/360 and system/370 operating system.