The Film Industry in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Economic Contribution and Capacity for Growth. Appendixes
出版RAND, 2023
註釋These appendixes support research that examines the film industry's economic contribution to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and to the state of Pennsylvania more broadly. We took a mixedmethods approach to this study with the following components: (1) an environmental scan (consisting of a review of peer-reviewed, industry, and gray literature, as well as a scan of state film production incentives); (2) semi-structured interviews of state and local film industry stakeholders and experts; (3) an assessment of quantitative evidence from input-output models that describe the linkages between sectors of the economy and that estimate the economic impacts of spending; and (4) an analysis of workforce and education or training data describing film industry occupations, workforce pipelines, and the capacity for industry growth. Details on the environmental scan, including Table A.3 describing the film production incentives offered by each state, is provided in Appendix A. Appendix B provides the protocols that we used in our semi-structured interviews with film producers and local industry stakeholders. And in Appendix C, we describe film industry employment estimates from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.