The Finite Planet
註釋The world is entering the most critical times since the end of the Second World War. A sense of fundamental change is in the air, except nobody knows exactly what is about to happen. However, a general perception emerges that our path along exponential growth on a finite planet with limited resources must come to an end one day. This day might be closer than we think.This book is about the limits of the Earth and how physical constraints are increasingly setting boundaries for the future development of our species. It is a multi-faceted topic, encompassing environmental, energy and economic issues. An inter-disciplinary approach is taken in this work that highlights many aspects of life in North America, and the world, that are about to be transformed: energy supplies, climate, exponential growth, debts, transportation, agriculture, technology and cities. Time is of the essence. The current global crisis which appears fiscal and economic in nature, and puts food and energy security on the map, might be foreboding what our planet has in stock.Despite the severity of the issues, the author placed much emphasis on making the reading as enjoyable, entertaining and thought-provoking as possible. The reader will be left with many new ideas and concepts, and better equipped to analyze the current global trends and events.