Containing Certain Articles of Agreement Made Between the Right Honourable Algernoone, Earle of Northumberland, &c. Lord of the Mannor of Istleworth-Syon in the County of Middlesex, Peter Dodsworth, Hugh Potter, and Robert Scawen, Esquires, of the One Part; and Sir Thomas Ingram, Knight, Sir Thomas Nott, Knight, Sir John Syddenham, Baronet, and Others, Copy-hold Tenants of the Said Mannor, of the Other Part. A Bill Preferred in the High Court of Chancery, Wherein the Said Sir Thomas Ingram, Sir Thomas Nott, Sir John Syddenham, and Others, the Said Copy-hold Tenants, are Plaintiffs; and the Said Earle, Peter Dodsworgh, Hugh Potter, and Robert Scawen, Defendants: with the Said Defendants Answer to the Said Bill. And a Decree in the Said High Court of Chancery, Exemplified Under the Great Seal of England, Whereby the Said Aricles are Ratified. And an Agreement of the Tenants, where the Said Articles, &c. Shall Remain. Togehter with a Table of the Contents of the Articles, &c. All which are Herein at Large Set Forth: Except the Often Repetition of All the Tenants Names, which is Herein Omitted, for Brevity Sake Onely. London, Printed in the Year 1657
出版R. Norbury, 1802